Ethan Thinh Ly
The Actor

Ethan Story
Xin Chào, my name is Ethan Thinh Ly, a Vietnamese American actor based in Los Angeles. I'm 19 years old "Gen Z" and I love horror movies, especially Zombies. Born and raised in Vietnam and moved to America in 2015. Thanks to that, I get to approach two difference amazing cultures therefore I'm fluent in both Vietnamese and English!
Since I'm a kid in school, I was great at all art subjects like music, drawing, and participated in all school plays and events. I loved to watch movies and the theater. Whenever I finish watching a show I wonder how I can get on stage like those performers. I love to put myself into other people's shoes because I understand that many people have a hard time speaking up and sharing their struggles, so I want to help them to bring their stories to light.

Contact: thinhly1308@gmail.com
Cellphone: 714-588-9585
Actor Access: https://resumes.actorsaccess.com/EthanThinhLy
LA Casting: Ethan Thinh Ly